What does A Health Financing Program Manager do?

The Program Manager will develop and execute the strategy for health financing work at different levels, supporting national insurance schemes. A focus of his/her work will be engaging with industry network, working on joint objectives of institutionalizing and capacity building for evidence-informed priority setting and strategic purchasing in the country. S/he functions independently and flexibly and have a strong commitment to excellencety, independence, energy, and work ethic. Responsibilities:
  • With government partners, develop company's strategy in health financing reforms nationwide, hire and manage a team to build capacity of government counterparts, develop clear operational plans for execution, and continually identify opportunities to add value and maximize impact. Develop new partnerships and proposals to secure funding for new areas.
  • Lead engagement across government agencies and state and central levels in the design, implementation and improvement of healthcare reform. Develop and execute plans, manage the team working at central and state levels, partner with stakeholders and ensure quality of work.
  • Focus on identifying and addressing hurdles to success with evidence based innovative approaches. Identify and address capacity building needs, ensuring skills transfer and government ownership in all projects.
  • Oversee an embedded team responsible for providing support to the authorities to generate routine management dashboards and advanced data analytics of enrolment, transaction and provider empanelment data.
  • Support use of evidence to identify gaps in implementation, improving service coverage and adjusting pricing, payment and packages.
  • Build capacity within government for evidence-based management.
  • Develop and execute a program of support in multiple states in the roll-out, implementation and improvement of insurance, as well as in key policy reforms.
  • Work with government to leverage evidence and operational research to inform key decisions. This may include assessing the potential for new roles at state level to use strategic information to inform decisions, advise senior managers on strategic and policy decisions and support troubleshooting on core insurance functions.
  • Provide coordination support between the center and local authorities, setting up systems for feedback and knowledge sharing among them, as well as with other academic and research units.
  • Support the use of evidence to strengthen strategic purchasing, including revision of packages and tariffs, as well as provider contracting and payment.
  • Sensitize and create demand for the application of health technology assessment (HTA) and facilitate input from key experts and practitioners from institutions to support HTA.
  • Coordinate support from partner institutions and local partners, identifying demand for support, working with government partners to articulate this need and providing continuity so that best practices and skills are shared and institutionalized within government.
  • Develop strong working relationships with key stakeholders in government, international and local partners and ensure maximum coordination of resources and effort.
If you are looking for A Health Financing Program Manager job unchannel.org is the right place for you. Just click https://unchannel.org and find your next Health Financing Program Manager job at unchannel.org.


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